I believe learning should be an active experience. Students in my classes should not be expected to sit back and relax as I drone on in the front. Instead, they will regularly be invited to participate by answering questions, discussing challenges with fellow classmates, and completing group assignments.
In larger service classes, the interactive aspect of my teaching typically takes the form of iClicker questions that invite students to engage with new concepts and definitions immediately after their introduction to help crystallize them. Not only does this keep students's minds engaged in lecture, it also informs me of what topics are unclear so I can reinforce them before moving on.
I have prepared a little web app "wizard" that helps students in UWEC's various physics degree programs plan out their studies. It tracks prerequisites/corequisites and other requirements as well as the terms in which various classes are offered to present students with the classes they are able to take in any given term, allowing them to construct a plan for how they will complete their major/minor/certificate requirements.
In recent semesters, I have primarily taught three courses:
Before that, I taught a few other classes at UWEC and the Maricopa County Community College District