import os
from os.path import join
import re
import numpy as np
class ProfileError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class HistoryError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class ModelNumberError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class BadPathError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
class UnknownFileTypeError(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg):
Exception.__init__(self, msg)
[docs]class MesaData:
"""Structure containing data from a Mesa output file.
Reads a profile or history output file from mesa. Assumes a file with
the following structure:
- line 1: header names
- line 2: header data
- line 3: blank
- line 4: main data names
- line 5: main data values
This structure can be altered by using the class methods
MesaData.set_header_rows and MesaData.set_data_rows.
file_name : str, optional
File name to be read in. Default is 'LOGS/', which works
for scripts in a standard work directory with a standard logs directory
for accessing the history data.
file_name : str
Path to file from which the data is read.
bulk_data : numpy.ndarray
The main data (line 6 and below) in record array format. Primarily
accessed via the `data` method.
bulk_names : tuple of str
Tuple of all available data column names that are valid inputs for
`data`. Essentially the column names in line 4 of `file_name`.
header_data : dict
Header data (line 2 of `file_name`) in dict format
header_names : list of str
List of all available header column names that are valid inputs for
`header`. Essentially the column names in line 1 of `file_name`.
header_names_line = 2
bulk_names_line = 6
def set_header_name_line(cls, name_line=2):
cls.header_names_line = name_line
def set_data_rows(cls, name_line=6):
cls.bulk_names_line = name_line
def __init__(self, file_name=join('.', 'LOGS', ''),
"""Make a MesaData object from a Mesa output file.
Reads a profile or history output file from mesa. Assumes a file with
the following structure:
line 1: header names
line 2: header data
line 3: blank
line 4: main data names
line 5: main data values
This structure can be altered by using the class methods
`MesaData.set_header_rows` and `MesaData.set_data_rows`.
file_name : str, optional
File name to be read in. Default is 'LOGS/'
file_type : str, optional
File type of file to be read. Default is None, which will
auto-detect the type based on file extension. Valid values are
'model' (a saved model) and 'log' (history or profile output).
self.file_name = file_name
self.file_type = file_type
self.bulk_data = None
self.bulk_names = None
self.header_data = None
self.header_names = None
[docs] def read_data(self):
"""Decide if data file is log output or a model, then load the data
Log files and models are structured differently, so different methods
will be required to read in each. This method figures out which one
should be called and then punts to that method.
# attempt auto-detection of file_type (if not supplied)
if self.file_type is None:
if self.file_name.endswith((".data", ".log")):
self.file_type = 'log'
elif self.file_name.endswith(".mod"):
self.file_type = 'model'
raise UnknownFileTypeError("Unknown file type for file {}".format(
# punt to reading method appropriate for each file type
if self.file_type == 'model':
elif self.file_type == 'log':
raise UnknownFileTypeError("Unknown file type {}".format(
[docs] def read_log_data(self):
"""Reads in or update data from the original log (.data or .log) file.
This re-reads the data from the originally-provided file name. Mostly
useful if the data file has been changed since it was first read in or
if the class methods MesaData.set_header_rows or MesaData.set_data_rows
have been used to alter how the data have been read in.
self.bulk_data = np.genfromtxt(
self.file_name, skip_header=MesaData.bulk_names_line - 1,
names=True, dtype=None)
self.bulk_names = self.bulk_data.dtype.names
header_data = []
with open(self.file_name) as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
if i == MesaData.header_names_line - 1:
self.header_names = line.split()
elif i == MesaData.header_names_line:
header_data = [eval(datum) for datum in line.split()]
elif i > MesaData.header_names_line:
self.header_data = dict(zip(self.header_names, header_data))
[docs] def read_model_data(self):
"""Read in or update data from the original model (.mod) file.
Models are assumed to have the following structure:
- lines of comments and otherwise [considered] useless information
- one or more blank line
- Header information (names and values separated by one or more space, one per line)
- one or more blank lines
- ONE line of column names (strings separated by one or more spaces)
- many lines of bulk data (integer followed by many doubles, separated by one or more spaces)
- a blank line
- everything else is ignored
def pythonize_number(num_string):
"""Convert fotran double [string] to python readable number [string].
Converts numbers with exponential notation of D+, D-, d+, or d-
to E+ or E- so that a python interpreter properly understands them.
Leaves all other strings the untouched.
num_string = re.sub('(d|D)\+', 'E+', num_string)
return re.sub('(d|D)-', 'E-', num_string)
with open(self.file_name, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Walk through file until we get to the last blank line, saving
# relevant data as we go.
blank_line_matcher = re.compile('^\s*$')
i = 0
found_blank_line = False
while not found_blank_line:
i += 1
found_blank_line = (blank_line_matcher.match(lines[i]) is not None)
# now on blank line 1, advance through one or more lines to get to
# header data
while found_blank_line:
i += 1
found_blank_line = (blank_line_matcher.match(lines[i]) is not None)
# now done with blank lines and on to header data
self.header_names = []
self.header_data = {}
while not found_blank_line:
name, val = [datum.strip() for datum in lines[i].split()]
self.header_data[name] = eval(pythonize_number(val))
i += 1
found_blank_line = (blank_line_matcher.match(lines[i]) is not None)
# now on blank line 2, advance until we get to column names
while found_blank_line:
i += 1
found_blank_line = (blank_line_matcher.match(lines[i]) is not None)
self.bulk_names = ['zone']
self.bulk_names += lines[i].split()
i += 1
self.bulk_data = {}
temp_data = []
found_blank_line = False
while not found_blank_line:
temp_data.append([eval(pythonize_number(datum)) for datum in
i += 1
found_blank_line = (blank_line_matcher.match(lines[i]) is not None)
temp_data = np.array(temp_data).T
for i in range(len(self.bulk_names)):
self.bulk_data[self.bulk_names[i]] = temp_data[i]
# self.bulk_data = np.array(temp_data, names=self.bulk_names)
[docs] def data(self, key):
"""Accesses the data and returns a numpy array with the appropriate data
Accepts a string key, like star_age (for history files) or logRho (for
profile files) and returns the corresponding numpy array of data for
that data type. Can also just use the shorthand methods that have the
same name of the key.
key : str
Name of data. Must match a main data title in the source file. If it
is not a data title, will first check for a log_[`key`] or ln[`key`]
version and return an exponentiated version of that data. If `key`
looks like a `log_*` or `ln_*` name, searches for a linear
quantity of the appropriate name and returns the expected
logarithmic quantity.
Array of values for data corresponding to key at various time steps
(history) or grid points (profile or model).
If `key` is an invalid key (i.e. not in `self.bulk_names` and no
fallback logarithmic or linear quantities found)
You can either call `data` explicitly with `key` as an argument, or get
the same result by calling it implicitly by treating `key` as an
>>> m = MesaData()
>>> x ='star_age')
>>> y = m.star_age
>>> x == y
In this case, x and y are the same because the non-existent method
MesaData.star_age will direct to to the corresponding
Even data categories that are not in the file may still work.
Specifically, if a linear quantity is available, but the log is asked
for, the linear quantity will be first log-ified and then returned:
>>> m = MesaData()
>>> m.in_data('L')
>>> m.in_data('log_L')
>>> x = m.L
>>> y = 10**m.log_L
>>> x == y
Here, `data` was called implicitly with an argument of 'L' to get `x`.
Since `'L'` was an invalid data category, it first looked to see if a
logarithmic version existed. Indeed, `'log_L'` was present, so it was
retrieved, exponentiated, and returned.
if self.in_data(key):
return self.bulk_data[key]
elif self._log_version(key) is not None:
return 10**self.bulk_data[self._log_version(key)]
elif self._ln_version(key) is not None:
return np.exp(self.bulk_data[self._ln_version(key)])
elif self._exp10_version(key) is not None:
return np.log10(self.bulk_data[self._exp10_version(key)])
elif self._exp_version(key) is not None:
return np.log(self.bulk_data[self._exp_version(key)])
raise KeyError("'" + str(key) + "' is not a valid data type.")
[docs] def is_history(self):
"""Determine if the source file is a history file
Checks if 'model_number' is a valid key for If it is, return
True. Otherwise return False. This is used in determining whether or not
to cleanse the file of backups and restarts in the MesaData.read_data.
True if file is a history file, otherwise False
return 'model_number' in self.bulk_names
[docs] def in_data(self, key):
"""Determine if `key` is an available main data category.
Checks if string `key` is a valid argument of Returns
True if it is, otherwise False
key : str
Candidate string for accessing main data. This is what you want
to be able to use as an argument of
True if `key` is a valid input to, otherwise False.
This is automatically called by, so the average user
shouldn't need to call it.
return key in self.bulk_names
def _log_version(self, key):
"""Determine if the log of the desired value is available and return it.
If a log_10 version of the value desired is found in the data columns,
the "logified" name will be returned. Otherwise it will return `None`.
key : str
Candidate string for accessing main data. This is what you want
to be able to use as an argument of
str or `None`
The "logified" version of the key, if available. If unavailable,
log_prefixes = ['log_', 'log', 'lg_', 'lg']
for prefix in log_prefixes:
if self.in_data(prefix + key):
return prefix + key
def _ln_version(self, key):
"""Determine if the ln of the desired value is available and return it.
If a log_e version of the value desired is found in the data columns,
the "ln-ified" name will be returned. Otherwise it will return `None`.
key : str
Candidate string for accessing main data. This is what you want
to be able to use as an argument of
str or `None`
The "ln-ified" version of the key, if available. If unavailable,
log_prefixes = ['ln_', 'ln']
for prefix in log_prefixes:
if self.in_data(prefix + key):
return prefix + key
def _exp10_version(self, key):
"""Find if the non-log version of a value is available and return it
If a non-log version of the value desired is found in the data columns,
the linear name will be returned. Otherwise it will return `None`.
key : str
Candidate string for accessing main data. This is what you want
to be able to use as an argument of
str or `None`
The linear version of the key, if available. If unavailable, `None`.
log_matcher = re.compile('^lo?g_?(.+)')
matches = log_matcher.match(key)
if matches is not None:
groups = matches.groups()
if self.in_data(groups[0]):
return groups[0]
def _exp_version(self, key):
"""Find if the non-ln version of a value is available and return it
If a non-ln version of the value desired is found in the data columns,
the linear name will be returned. Otherwise it will return `None`.
key : str
Candidate string for accessing main data. This is what you want
to be able to use as an argument of
str or `None`
The linear version of the key, if available. If unavailable, `None`.
log_matcher = re.compile('^ln_?(.+)')
matches = log_matcher.match(key)
if matches is not None:
groups = matches.groups()
if self.in_data(groups[0]):
return groups[0]
def _any_version(self, key):
"""Determine if `key` can point to a valid data category
key : str
Candidate string for accessing main data. This is what you want
to be able to use as an argument of
True if `key` can be mapped to a data type either directly or by
exponentiating/taking logarithms of existing data types
return bool(self.in_data(key) or self._log_version(key) or
self._ln_version(key) or self._exp_version(key) or
[docs] def data_at_model_number(self, key, m_num):
"""Return main data at a specific model number (for history files).
Finds the index i where'model_number')[i] == m_num. Then
returns[i]. Essentially lets you use model numbers
to index data.
key : str
Name of data. Must match a main data title in the source file.
m_num : int
Model number where you want to sample the data
float or int
Value of`key`) at the same index where'model_number') == `m_num`
See Also
index_of_model_number : returns the index for sampling, not the value
[docs] def index_of_model_number(self, m_num):
"""Return index where'model_number') is `m_num`.
Returns the index i where'model_number')[i] == m_num.
m_num : int
Model number where you want to sample data
The index where'model_number') == `m_num`
If trying to access a non-history file
If zero or more than one model numbers matching `m_num` are found.
See Also
data_at_model_number : returns the datum of a specific key a model no.
if not self.is_history():
raise HistoryError("Can't get data at model number " +
"because this isn't a history file")
index = np.where('model_number') == m_num)[0]
if len(index) > 1:
raise ModelNumberError("Found more than one entry where model " +
"number is " + str(m_num) + " in " +
self.file_name + ". Report this.")
elif len(index) == 0:
raise ModelNumberError("Couldn't find any entries with model " +
"number " + str(m_num) + ".")
elif len(index) == 1:
return index[0]
[docs] def remove_backups(self, dbg=False):
"""Cleanses a history file of backups and restarts
If the file is a history file, goes through and ensure that the
model_number data are monotonically increasing. It removes rows of data
from all categories if there are earlier ones later in the file.
dbg : bool, optional
If True, will output how many lines are cleansed. Default is False
if not self.is_history():
return None
if dbg:
print("Scrubbing history...")
to_remove = []
for i in range(len('model_number')) - 1):
smallest_future = np.min('model_number')[i + 1:])
if'model_number')[i] >= smallest_future:
if len(to_remove) == 0:
if dbg:
print("Already clean!")
return None
if dbg:
print("Removing {} lines.".format(len(to_remove)))
self.bulk_data = np.delete(self.bulk_data, to_remove)
def __getattr__(self, method_name):
if self._any_version(method_name):
elif self.in_header(method_name):
return self.header(method_name)
raise AttributeError(method_name)
[docs]class MesaProfileIndex:
"""Structure containing data from the profile index from MESA output.
Reads in data from profile index file from MESA, allowing a mapping from
profile number to model number and vice versa. Mostly accessed via the
MesaLogDir class.
file_name : str, optional
Path to the profile index file to be read in. Default is
'LOGS/profiles.index', which should work when the working directory is
a standard work directory and the logs directory is of the default
file_name : str
path to the profile index file
index_data : dict
dictionary containing all index data in numpy arrays.
model_number_string : str
header name of the model number column in `file_name`
profile_number_string : str
header name of the profile number column in `file_name`
profile_numbers : numpy.ndarray
List of all available profile numbers in order of their corresponding
model numbers (i.e. time-order).
model_numbers : numpy.ndarray
Sorted list of all available model numbers.
index_start_line = 2
index_end = None
index_names = ['model_numbers', 'priorities', 'profile_numbers']
def set_index_rows(cls, index_start=2, index_end=None):
cls.index_start_line = index_start
cls.index_end_line = index_end
return index_start, index_end
def set_index_names(cls, name_arr):
cls.index_names = name_arr
return name_arr
def __init__(self, file_name=join('.', 'LOGS', 'profiles.index')):
self.file_name = file_name
self.index_data = None
self.model_number_string = ''
self.profile_number_string = ''
self.profile_numbers = None
self.model_numbers = None
[docs] def read_index(self):
"""Read (or re-read) data from `self.file_name`.
Read the file into an numpy array, sorting the table in order of
increasing model numbers and establishes the `profile_numbers` and
`model_numbers` attributes. Converts data and names into a dictionary.
Called automatically at instantiation, but may be called again to
refresh data.
temp_index_data = np.genfromtxt(
self.file_name, skip_header=MesaProfileIndex.index_start_line - 1,
self.model_number_string = MesaProfileIndex.index_names[0]
self.profile_number_string = MesaProfileIndex.index_names[-1]
self.index_data = temp_index_data[np.argsort(temp_index_data[:, 0])]
self.index_data = dict(zip(MesaProfileIndex.index_names,
self.profile_numbers =
self.model_numbers =
[docs] def data(self, key):
"""Access index data and return array of column corresponding to `key`.
key : str
Name of column to be returned. Likely choices are 'model_numbers',
'profile_numbers', or 'priorities'.
Array containing the data requested.
If input key is not a valid column header name.
if key not in self.index_names:
raise KeyError("'" + str(key) + "' is not a column in " +
return np.array(self.index_data[key])
[docs] def have_profile_with_model_number(self, model_number):
"""Determines if given `model_number` has a matching profile number.
model_number : int
model number to be checked for available profile number
True if `model_number` has a corresponding profile number. False
return model_number in
[docs] def have_profile_with_profile_number(self, profile_number):
"""Determines if given `profile_number` is a valid profile number.
profile_number : int
profile number to be verified
True if `profile_number` has a corresponding entry in the index.
False otherwise.
return profile_number in
[docs] def profile_with_model_number(self, model_number):
"""Converts a model number to a profile number if possible.
If `model_number` has a corresponding profile number in the index,
returns it. Otherwise throws an error.
model_number : int
model number to be converted into a profile number
profile number corresponding to `model_number`
If no profile number can be found that corresponds to
if not (self.have_profile_with_model_number(model_number)):
raise ProfileError("No profile with model number " +
str(model_number) + ".")
indices = np.where( == model_number)
return np.take(, indices[0])[0]
[docs] def model_with_profile_number(self, profile_number):
"""Converts a profile number to a profile number if possible.
If `profile_number` has a corresponding model number in the index,
returns it. Otherwise throws an error.
profile_number : int
profile number to be converted into a model number
model number corresponding to `profile_number`
If no model number can be found that corresponds to
if not (self.have_profile_with_profile_number(profile_number)):
raise ProfileError("No Profile with profile number " +
str(profile_number) + ".")
indices = np.where( == profile_number)
return np.take(, indices[0])[0]
def __getattr__(self, method_name):
if method_name in self.index_data.keys():
raise AttributeError(method_name)
[docs]class MesaLogDir:
"""Structure providing access to both history and profile output from MESA
Provides access for accessing the history and profile data of a MESA run
by linking profiles to the history through model numbers.
log_path : str, optional
Path to the logs directory, default is 'LOGS'
profile_prefix : str, optional
Prefix before profile number in profile file names, default is
profile_suffix : str, optional
Suffix after profile number and period for profile file names, default
is 'data'
history_file : str, optional
Name of the history file in the logs directory, default is
index_file : str, optional
Name of the profiles index file in the logs directory, default is
memoize_profiles : bool, optional
Determines whether or not profiles will be "memo-ized", default is
True. If memoized, once a profile is called into existence, it is saved
so that it need not be read in again. Good for quick, clean, repeated
access of a profile, but bad for reading in many profiles for one-time
uses as it will hog memory.
log_path : str
Path to the logs directory; used (re-)reading data in
profile_prefix : str
Prefix before profile number in profile file names
profile_suffix : str
Suffix after profile number and period for profile file names
history_file : str
Base name (not path) of the history file in the logs directory
index_file : str
Base name (not path) of the profiles index file in the logs directory
memoize_profiles : bool
Determines whether or not profiles will be "memo-ized". Setting this
after initialization will not delete profiles from memory. It will
simply start/stop memoizing them. To clear out memoized profiles,
re-read the data with `self.read_logs()`
history_path : str
Path to the history data file
index_path : str
Path to the profile index file
history : mesa_reader.MesaData
MesaData object containing history information from `self.history_path`
history_data : mesa_reader.MesaData
Alias for `self.history`
profiles : mesa_reader.MesaProfileIndex
MesaProfileIndex from profiles in `self.index_path`
profile_numbers : numpy.ndarray
Result of calling `self.profiles.profile_numbers`. Just the profile
numbers of the simulation in order of corresponding model numbers.
model_numbers : numpy.ndarray
Result of calling `self.profiles.model_numbers`. Just the model numbers
of the simulations that have corresponding profiles in ascending order.
profile_dict : dict
Stores MesaData objects from profiles. Keys to this dictionary are
profile numbers, so presumably `self.profile_dict(5)` would yield the
MesaData object obtained from the file `` (assuming
reasonable defaults) if such a profile was ever accessed. Will remain
empty if memoization is shut off.
def __init__(self, log_path='LOGS', profile_prefix='profile',
profile_suffix='data', history_file='',
index_file='profiles.index', memoize_profiles=True):
self.log_path = log_path
self.profile_prefix = profile_prefix
self.profile_suffix = profile_suffix
self.history_file = history_file
self.index_file = index_file
# Check if log_path and files are dir/files.
if not os.path.isdir(self.log_path):
raise BadPathError(self.log_path + ' is not a valid directory.')
self.history_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.history_file)
if not os.path.isfile(self.history_path):
raise BadPathError(self.history_file + ' not found in ' +
self.log_path + '.')
self.index_path = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.index_file)
if not os.path.isfile(self.index_path):
raise BadPathError(self.index_file + ' not found in ' +
self.log_path + '.')
self.memoize_profiles = memoize_profiles
self.history = None
self.history_data = None
self.profiles = None
self.profile_numbers = None
self.model_numbers = None
self.profile_dict = None
[docs] def read_logs(self):
"""Read (or re-read) data from the history and profile index.
Reads in `self.history_path` and `self.index_file` for use in getting
history data and profile information. This is automatically called at
instantiation, but can be recalled by the user if for some reason the
data needs to be refreshed (for instance, after changing some of the
reader methods to read in specially-formatted output.)
This, if called after initialization, will empty `self.profile_dict`,
erasing all memo-ized profiles.
self.history = MesaData(self.history_path)
self.history_data = self.history
self.profiles = MesaProfileIndex(self.index_path)
self.profile_numbers = self.profiles.profile_numbers
self.model_numbers = self.profiles.model_numbers
self.profile_dict = dict()
[docs] def have_profile_with_model_number(self, m_num):
"""Checks to see if a model number has a corresponding profile number.
m_num : int
model number to be checked
True if the model number is in `self.model_numbers`, otherwise
return self.profiles.have_profile_with_model_number(m_num)
[docs] def have_profile_with_profile_number(self, p_num):
"""Checks to see if a given number is a valid profile number.
p_num : int
profile number to be checked
True if profile number is in `self.profile_numbers`, otherwise
return self.profiles.have_profile_with_profile_number(p_num)
[docs] def profile_with_model_number(self, m_num):
"""Converts a model number to a corresponding profile number
m_num : int
model number to be converted
profile number that corresponds to `m_num`.
return self.profiles.profile_with_model_number(m_num)
[docs] def model_with_profile_number(self, p_num):
"""Converts a profile number to a corresponding model number
p_num : int
profile number to be converted
model number that corresponds to `p_num`.
return self.profiles.model_with_profile_number(p_num)
[docs] def profile_data(self, model_number=-1, profile_number=-1):
"""Generate or retrieve MesaData from a model or profile number.
If both a model number and a profile number is given, the model number
takes precedence. If neither are given, the default is to return a
MesaData object of the last profile (biggest model number). In either
case, this generates (if it doesn't already exist) or retrieves (if it
has already been generated and memoized) a MesaData object from the
corresponding profile data.
model_number : int, optional
model number for the profile MesaData object desired. Default is
-1, corresponding to the last model number.
profile_number : int, optional
profile number for the profile MesaData object desired. Default is
-1, corresponding to the last model number. If both `model_number`
and `profile_number` are given, `profile_number` is ignored.
Data for profile with desired model/profile number.
if model_number == -1:
if profile_number == -1:
to_use = self.profile_numbers[-1]
to_use = profile_number
to_use = self.profile_with_model_number(model_number)
if to_use in self.profile_dict:
return self.profile_dict[to_use]
file_name = join(self.log_path,
(self.profile_prefix + str(to_use) + '.' +
p = MesaData(file_name)
if self.memoize_profiles:
self.profile_dict[to_use] = p
return p
[docs] def select_models(self, f, *keys):
"""Yields model numbers for profiles that satisfy a given criteria.
Given a function `f` of various time-domain (history) variables,
`*keys` (i.e., categories in `self.history.bulk_names`), filters
`self.model_numbers` and returns all model numbers that satisfy the
f : function
A function of the same number of parameters as strings given for
`keys` that returns a boolean. Should evaluate to `True` when
condition is met and `False` otherwise.
keys : str
Name of data categories from `self.history.bulk_names` whose values
are to be used in the arguments to `f`, in the same order that they
appear as arguments in `f`.
Array of model numbers that have corresponding profiles where the
condition given by `f` is `True`.
If any of the `keys` are invalid history keys.
>>> l = MesaLogDir()
>>> def is_old_and_bright(age, log_lum):
>>> return age > 1e9 and log_lum > 3
>>> m_nums = l.select_models(is_old_and_bright, 'star_age', 'log_L')
Here, `m_nums` will contain all model numbers that have profiles where
the age is greater than a billion years and the luminosity is greater
than 1000 Lsun, provided that 'star_age' and 'log_L' are in
for key in keys:
if not self.history.in_data(key):
raise KeyError("'" + str(key) + "' is not a valid data type.")
inputs = {}
for m_num in self.model_numbers:
this_input = []
for key in keys:
self.history.data_at_model_number(key, m_num))
inputs[m_num] = this_input
mask = np.array([f(*inputs[m_num]) for m_num in self.model_numbers])
return self.model_numbers[mask]