
MesaLogDir is a class that contains information about the LOGS directory as a whole. In addition to giving easy access to the history data, you can easily find profiles by profile number, model number, or by selecting according to a more flexible history criteria.

class mesa_reader.MesaLogDir(log_path='LOGS', profile_prefix='profile', profile_suffix='data', history_file='', index_file='profiles.index', memoize_profiles=True)[source]

Structure providing access to both history and profile output from MESA

Provides access for accessing the history and profile data of a MESA run by linking profiles to the history through model numbers.

  • log_path (str, optional) – Path to the logs directory, default is ‘LOGS’
  • profile_prefix (str, optional) – Prefix before profile number in profile file names, default is ‘profile’
  • profile_suffix (str, optional) – Suffix after profile number and period for profile file names, default is ‘data’
  • history_file (str, optional) – Name of the history file in the logs directory, default is ‘’
  • index_file (str, optional) – Name of the profiles index file in the logs directory, default is ‘profiles.index’
  • memoize_profiles (bool, optional) – Determines whether or not profiles will be “memo-ized”, default is True. If memoized, once a profile is called into existence, it is saved so that it need not be read in again. Good for quick, clean, repeated access of a profile, but bad for reading in many profiles for one-time uses as it will hog memory.

str – Path to the logs directory; used (re-)reading data in


str – Prefix before profile number in profile file names


str – Suffix after profile number and period for profile file names


str – Base name (not path) of the history file in the logs directory


str – Base name (not path) of the profiles index file in the logs directory


bool – Determines whether or not profiles will be “memo-ized”. Setting this after initialization will not delete profiles from memory. It will simply start/stop memoizing them. To clear out memoized profiles, re-read the data with self.read_logs()


str – Path to the history data file


str – Path to the profile index file


mesa_reader.MesaData – MesaData object containing history information from self.history_path


mesa_reader.MesaData – Alias for self.history


mesa_reader.MesaProfileIndex – MesaProfileIndex from profiles in self.index_path


numpy.ndarray – Result of calling self.profiles.profile_numbers. Just the profile numbers of the simulation in order of corresponding model numbers.


numpy.ndarray – Result of calling self.profiles.model_numbers. Just the model numbers of the simulations that have corresponding profiles in ascending order.


dict – Stores MesaData objects from profiles. Keys to this dictionary are profile numbers, so presumably self.profile_dict(5) would yield the MesaData object obtained from the file (assuming reasonable defaults) if such a profile was ever accessed. Will remain empty if memoization is shut off.


Checks to see if a model number has a corresponding profile number.

Parameters:m_num (int) – model number to be checked
Returns:True if the model number is in self.model_numbers, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Checks to see if a given number is a valid profile number.

Parameters:p_num (int) – profile number to be checked
Returns:True if profile number is in self.profile_numbers, otherwise False.
Return type:bool

Converts a profile number to a corresponding model number

Parameters:p_num (int) – profile number to be converted
Returns:model number that corresponds to p_num.
Return type:int
profile_data(model_number=-1, profile_number=-1)[source]

Generate or retrieve MesaData from a model or profile number.

If both a model number and a profile number is given, the model number takes precedence. If neither are given, the default is to return a MesaData object of the last profile (biggest model number). In either case, this generates (if it doesn’t already exist) or retrieves (if it has already been generated and memoized) a MesaData object from the corresponding profile data.

  • model_number (int, optional) – model number for the profile MesaData object desired. Default is -1, corresponding to the last model number.
  • profile_number (int, optional) – profile number for the profile MesaData object desired. Default is -1, corresponding to the last model number. If both model_number and profile_number are given, profile_number is ignored.

Data for profile with desired model/profile number.

Return type:



Converts a model number to a corresponding profile number

Parameters:m_num (int) – model number to be converted
Returns:profile number that corresponds to m_num.
Return type:int

Read (or re-read) data from the history and profile index.

Reads in self.history_path and self.index_file for use in getting history data and profile information. This is automatically called at instantiation, but can be recalled by the user if for some reason the data needs to be refreshed (for instance, after changing some of the reader methods to read in specially-formatted output.)

Return type:None


This, if called after initialization, will empty self.profile_dict, erasing all memo-ized profiles.

select_models(f, *keys)[source]

Yields model numbers for profiles that satisfy a given criteria.

Given a function f of various time-domain (history) variables, *keys (i.e., categories in self.history.bulk_names), filters self.model_numbers and returns all model numbers that satisfy the criteria.

  • f (function) – A function of the same number of parameters as strings given for keys that returns a boolean. Should evaluate to True when condition is met and False otherwise.
  • keys (str) – Name of data categories from self.history.bulk_names whose values are to be used in the arguments to f, in the same order that they appear as arguments in f.

Array of model numbers that have corresponding profiles where the condition given by f is True.

Return type:



KeyError – If any of the keys are invalid history keys.


>>> l = MesaLogDir()
>>> def is_old_and_bright(age, log_lum):
>>>     return age > 1e9 and log_lum > 3
>>> m_nums = l.select_models(is_old_and_bright, 'star_age', 'log_L')

Here, m_nums will contain all model numbers that have profiles where the age is greater than a billion years and the luminosity is greater than 1000 Lsun, provided that ‘star_age’ and ‘log_L’ are in self.history.bulk_names.